
An Empirical Correction for Activity Effects on the Temperatures, Radii, and Estimated Masses of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs

Keivan G. Stassun, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Aleks Scholz, Trent J. Dupuy

2MASSJ035523.51+113337.4: A Young, Dusty, Nearby, Isolated Brown Dwarf Resembling A Giant Exoplanet

Jacqueline K. Faherty (Universidad de Chile, Cerro Calan, AMNH), Emily L. Rice (College of Staten Island, CUNY, AMNH), Kelle L. Cruz (Hunter College, CUNY, AMNH), Eric E. Mamajek (CTIO), Alejandro Núñez (Hunter College, CUNY, AMNH)