

clを起動させようとすると Word too long. Word too long. ERROR: No /iraf/iraf//bin./ecl.e binary found.というエラーが出る。よくみるとbin.${IRAFARCH}の変数がちゃんとインプットされてない模様。 応急処置として手動で export IRAFARCH=linuxとしてみ…


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Spectroscopy of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in the Lambda Orionis Star Forming Region. I. Enlarging the census down to the planetary mass domain in Collinder 69 A. Bayo, D. Barrado, J. Stauffer, M. Morales-Calderon, C. Melo, N. Hu…


The Role of Multiplicity in Disk Evolution and Planet Formation Adam L. Kraus (Univ. of Hawaii - IfA), Michael J. Ireland (Macquarie University), Lynne A. Hillenbrand (California Institute of Technology), Frantz Martinache (National Astron…


Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Low-Mass Kepler Planet-Candidate Host Stars: Effective Temperatures, Metallicities, Masses and Radii Philip S. Muirhead, Katherine Hamren, Everett Schlawin, Barbara Rojas-Ayala, Kevin R. Covey, James P. Lloyd …