

> su
> gedit /iraf/iraf/unix/hlib/extern.pkg
# External (non core-system) packages. To install a new package, add the
# two statements to define the package root directory and package task,
# then add the package helpdb to the ‘helpdb’ list.
reset    noao         =  iraf$noao/
task     noao.pkg     =  noao$
reset    tables       =  /iraf/extern/tables/
task     tables.pkg   =  tables$
reset    stsdas       =  /iraf/extern/stsdas/
task     stsdas.pkg   =  stsdas$
task     apropos      =  stsdas$
reset    helpdb       =  "lib$helpdb.mip \
                           ,noao$lib/helpdb.mip \
                           ,tables$lib/helpdb.mip \
                           ,stsdas$lib/helpdb.mip \

> cd /iraf/extern
> mkdir tables
> mkdir stsdas
> chown -R iraf.iraf tables stsdas
% su iraf
% cd tables
% tar zxvf /tmp/tables39.tar.gz
% mkpkg redhat
       #% mkpkg linux(for Ubuntu)
% cd bin.redhat
       #% cd bin.linux(for Ubutu)
% tar zxvf /tmp/tables39.bin.redhat.tar.gz 
% cd ../../stsdas
% tar zxvf /tmp/stsdas39.tar.gz
% mkpkg redhat
       #% mkpkg linux(for Ubuntu)
% cd bin.redhat
       #% cd bin.linux(for Ubutu)
% tar zxvf /tmp/stsdas39.bin.redhat.tar.gz


% cl
cl> softools
so> tables
ta> cd tables
ta> mkpkg -p tables update >& spool
ta> mkpkg summary > tables.summ
ta> stsdas
st> cd stsdas
st> mkpkg -p tables -p stsdas update >& spool
st> mkpkg summary > stsdas.summ
st> logout
% cd /iraf/extern/stsdas
% python -m compileall -q .


setenv IRAFARCH linux
source $iraf/unix/hlib/irafuser.csh
